Tilford Meetup 2013

The 13th annual meeting took place in Tilford, Surrey on the first Saturday in October 2013

It was arranged by Stewart and Sue Wren, they probably arrange the nice weather too.  It’s the largest gathering of the Porches 928 in the UK each year, taking place on the green opposite the Barley Mow pub.

“Another great day with great weather and great 928s.” – Eric Coolen

“Thanks again to Stewart and Sue for arranging this. It is a fantastic staple of the 928 calendar. It was great to see some old friends and some new faces.” – Martin Taylor

“Want to add my thanks to Stewart & Sue for yet again making the best day in the 928 calendar happen, and for their influence with weather gods.” – Adrian Langford  

In total around 52 cars attended. The distinctive V8 sound rumbled around the green as visitors came and went. Every model and almost every colour was represented from the earliest very well cared for silver car owned by John Vaughn through to S2, S4/GT and GTS models including the last one registered in the UK.

Chats between owners and visitors spilled into the pub over lunch and a beer (or two). Richard Armstrong filled up the AC systems of several cars leading to happy people and cool interiors.  The green keeper thanked everyone for the £160 from donations for the future care of the cricket pitch.

If you brought your car along, thanks! If you didn't why not try and make it next year, I am sure Stewart will book great weather again and the chat, beer and food are all very good.

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